Discerning the Call Session 1

Online via Zoom

Join us for a three-month, six-session journey of discernment. Is God calling you to a life of prayer and service? Do you wish to reaffirm your vows as a Daughter? This course is designed specifically for any woman communicant of the Episcopal Church who is listening for the call to become a member of The Order of the Daughters of the King®… AND For any Daughter who would like to review the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service to which she vowed and is rededicating herself… AND For any Daughter who may be guiding others through the discernment and preparation process toward membership. We will cover the contents of the National Study Guide of The Order, also read together and discuss the book on Benedictine Spirituality titled How to Live by Judith Valente. There is no charge for this series, but a small donation is appreciated to cover the cost of bringing the course to you online. Please contact us for more information. And THANK YOU for spreading the word! Registration for the Study Course will close February 11, 2021 REGISTER

Leadership Team Meeting: The Los Angeles Board

Leadership Team: DOK Los Angeles Board Chapter Presidents are members of the Board with voice and vote and are urged to attend or send a designated alternate. All Daughters are welcome. The Executive Board meets at 6:00 PM. Chapter Presidents may join then or at 7:00 PM when others are also welcome. Our meetings always close by 8:15 PM with a spiritual or contemplative practice.

Leadership Team Meeting: The Los Angeles Board

Online via Zoom

Leadership Team: DOK Los Angeles Board Chapter Presidents are members of the Board with voice and vote and are urged to attend or send a designated alternate. All Daughters are welcome. The Executive Board meets at 6:00 PM. Chapter Presidents may join then or at 7:00 PM when others are also welcome. Our meetings always close by 8:15 PM with a spiritual or contemplative practice.

Time for Mary/Martha – Spring Assembly 2023

Online via Zoom

Whether you are most like Mary of Bethany, simply longing to be fed spiritually... Or more like her sister Martha, eager to be up and serving others... (Or perhaps you're a blessed blending of the two...) Whoever you are, this Spring Assembly will have something for you. Those who register by April 21 will receive the mailed Assembly Packet with printed program, St. Brigid's cross materials, and finger labyrinths. So, don't delay. Register now!

Province VIII Leadership Workshop – Reaching Out to Serve

Franciscan Renewal Center Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Save the Dates In order to have new officers in place at every level for the next Triennium, beginning in 2024, the current Province VIII board is offering a leadership workshop this spring in Scottsdale, Arizona, from Tuesday May 23rd through Thursday May 25th. You may be hearing from your Diocesan or chapter officers about attending the workshop. We hope you will say “yes” when you are asked to go. Additional Details will be provided as they are made available