Daughters of the King Los Angeles
Spring Assembly 2023
Saturday, May 6, 2023
8:30 AM to 2:00 PM on Zoom
Whether you are most like Mary of Bethany, simply longing to be fed spiritually…
Or more like her sister Martha, eager to be up and serving others… (Or perhaps you’re a blessed blending of the two…)
Whoever you are, this Spring Assembly will have something for you.
Highlights Include:
Morning Prayer Service
Installation of Our New Diocesan Chaplain
Business Meeting to Approve Bylaws Changes
Updates from Recent Scholarship Recipients
Mary Program: The Celtic Spirituality of St. Brigid
Making Your Own St. Brigid’s Cross
Martha Program: Presentations from Diocesan Ministries
Walking the Labyrinth for World Labyrinth Day
Fellowship with Daughters from around the Diocese
Those who register by April 21 will receive the mailed Assembly Packet containing printed program,
St. Brigid’s cross materials, finger labyrinths. and other goodies.
NOTE: If you are registering after that date, please access the printed materials from the menu of Documents and Resources below.