October 2023

by | Oct 11, 2023 | From the President

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Fall Assembly… this time in person at Emmanuel Fullerton on November 4! To be honest, the big draw of this assembly is the chance to “gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing,” as the hymn says. You are the featured guests, and our time for worship and fellowship is the most important thing that will happen.

As your Diocesan President, I have been trying to keep up with all our Assembly Business. Thanks be to God and the hard work of our Nominating Committee headed by Sheila Lowerre, we have a full slate of Candidates for the Election of new Diocesan Executive Board Officers.

These candidates, along with our current officers and a few other chapter Presidents, met in September at St. Paul’s Commons for a Leadership Retreat. Together we talked about the challenges and opportunities that exist for Daughters of the King at this time. While we do not have all the answers, we did come up with some fresh ideas for how to better lead in our chapters, grow our membership, and raise our profile in the Diocese and Province VIII.

Just like Hebrews 10:25 calls us to do, I encourage each of you to continue faithfully on your Daughter’s journey of prayer, service, and evangelism. We are all in His service together…

for His sake,
Kimberly Cortner