Diocesan Board
According to the current Bylaws (Adopted 10-24-20), the elected Officers shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These Officers comprise The Diocesan Executive Board.

Kimberly Cortner
President 2021 - 2024
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Upland
Job Description
The President shall preside at all meetings of The Assembly,
The Assembly Board, and The Executive Board. In addition, the
President shall:
- Make the following appointments within three (3)
months of taking office: Committee Chairs, including the
Nominating Committee Chair; Deanery Representatives;
and Representatives for Daughters-at-Large and Junior
Daughters. All these Appointees shall have voice and
vote on the Assembly Board. - Sit as an ex officio member on all committees except the
Nominating Committee. - Represent the Diocese as a Delegate at the Triennial
National Convention of The Order. - Represent, when possible, The Assembly and The Order
at Diocesan functions, including the Diocesan
Convention. - Attend, when possible, or send a representative to ECW
Board meetings, the ECW Annual Meeting, Province VIII
Board meetings, and the Province VIII Annual Retreat. - Submit an Annual Report of Diocesan Assembly business
and activities to the Province VIII President, when
requested. - Attend, when possible, or send a representative from
The Executive Board to Chapter Institutions and Officer
Installations. - Plan an Annual Retreat for The Executive and Assembly
Boards and Chapter Officers. - Write a President’s Letter for each issue of The Angel’s
Wing and write to the recipients of the Bishop Gooden
Scholarship. - Perform all other duties pertaining to her office.

Sheila Lowerre
1st Vice President 2021 - 2024
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Fullerton
Job Description
The First Vice President shall, in the absence of the President,
perform all duties of the President, including presiding at all
meetings. In the case of the death or resignation of the
President, the First Vice President shall automatically become
the President and assume all the duties of that office. In
addition, the First Vice President shall:
- Work to increase membership of The Order within the
Diocese and coordinate with the Deanery
Representatives and the Membership Committee to
organize and institute new Chapters. - Organize, with the guidance of the President and the
Chaplain, activities for each meeting of The Assembly
Board designed to further the leadership abilities and
spiritual growth of the Chapter Presidents. - Update the Diocesan Assembly Bylaws, Rules, and
Procedures, as necessary. - Perform all other duties pertaining to her office.

Carol Morgan
Secretary 2021 - 2024
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Upland
Job Description
The Secretary shall take, distribute, and archive all minutes of
all meetings of The Assembly Board and The Executive Board
as well as those of the Business Meetings held at the Spring
and Fall Assemblies and any specially called meetings. In
addition, the Secretary shall:
- Be responsible for maintaining lists of members and
officers of Chapters in the Diocese. She shall take the roll
call at the Spring and Fall Assemblies. - Handle all the correspondence needs of The Diocesan
Assembly, including contact with the National Office. - Assist the President in preparing materials for all
Assemblies and Board meetings and maintain an archive
copy (print and/or electronic) of major publications of
The Order, The Province, and The Diocese. - Perform all other duties pertaining to her office.

Brenda Thurton
Treasurer 2021 - 2024
Christ the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Los Angeles
Job Description
The Treasurer shall keep records of all accounts of The
Assembly and give a financial report at all meetings. In
addition, the Treasurer shall:
- Receive, manage, and distribute all funds of The
Assembly, as directed by The Executive Board and
according to the Diocesan Rules and Procedures. - Prepare a budget at the beginning of each Fiscal Year to
begin September 1st and end on August 31st. - Prepare for audit of the financial records of The
Assembly whenever there is a change of treasurer (at
the end of her term or when a replacement is named)
and engage a responsible auditor for this purpose. - Perform all other duties pertaining to her office.