

Spring Assembly 2024 (coming soon)

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About Us

The Order of the Daughters of the KingĀ® is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate but not in communion with it.

Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish.

The mission of the Order is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.

The National Handbook of the Order of the Daughters of the KingĀ®

Annual Provincial Meeting

The Diocese of Los Angeles is part of Province VIII of the Episcopal Church. Daughters of the King gather annualy in person or via Zoom online. See the Events Calendar for more information.

From the President

October 2023

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Fall Assembly... this time in person at Emmanuel Fullerton on November 4! To be honest, the big draw of this assembly is the chance to "gather together to ask the Lord's blessing," as the hymn says. You are the...

March 2023

We all know the story of Mary of Bethany and her sister Martha, the sisters of Lazarus... how when Jesus was teaching in their home, Mary sat at Jesus' feet, soaking in every word, while Martha was up and busy serving. We have all, at one time or another, felt the...